EAERE 2024
Leuven, Belgium
01 Jul - 04 Jul 2024
29th Annual Conference
of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

Guidelines for Exhibitors

Call for Interest - Conference Exhibitors

We are organizing the 29th Annual Conference of EAERE, to be held on 1 - 4 July, 2024, in Leuven, Belgium. In particular we would like to invite you to participate in the Exhibition that is traditionally organized as an important part of this Conference.

EAERE (European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists) is one of the largest and most prominent scientific associations worldwide in the field of Environmental and Resource Economics. Its annual conference attracts over 700 participants from academic institutions, the public sector, and private industry. There are participants from over 40 countries in Europe and beyond who conduct research, design policy and operate in the field of environmental and resource economics. The number of registrations confirms the importance of the Conference and the excellent opportunity which it provides for promotional activities and networking in the field. We would like to stress that the conference venue, the KU Leuven, provides an attractive location for exhibitions, right at the heart of the event, designed to maximize the exposure to the conference participants for you as an exhibitor.

Please note that the space for exhibitors will be limited. Applications will therefore be considered on a 'first come, first served' basis, and the available exhibition space may be exhausted before the end of the application deadline (1 April 2024).

Do not hesitate to contact us via sponsors_eaere2024@kuleuven.be for any further information or clarification. We look forward to receiving your application and seeing you in Leuven!

On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee,

Professors Johan Eyckmans and Sandra Rousseau, KU Leuven CEDON

Co-Chairs of EAERE2024 Local Organizing Committee

Last update on November 18, 2023